January 2022 Newsleaf

One of the things I enjoy most about the turn of each new year is the lengthening of days – slightly earlier dawns, longer spells of sunshine in the afternoon – as winter starts inching its way toward spring.

A Tribute to Michael Yoemans (1949-2021)

Mike was wisdom.
He knew when to dig into details and when to strive for simplicity;
When to drive change and when to hold the boat steady;
When to listen and when to lead.

From the Executive Director

This update is actually about our recent annual appeal, but in midst of icy winter, we’re going to start with butterflies.

From the Executive Director

I spied a squirrel burying an acorn during my morning walk yesterday. The way its delicate paws patted soil on top of the buried treasure was enchanting. It seemed an almost tender, hopeful gesture. A gesture that feels familiar to us here at Boxerwood.

The Boxerwood Vision Tree

We talk a lot about trees at Boxerwood, to our students, our guests, and among ourselves. There are many beautiful trees at Boxerwood, ones known to be frequently, literally, hugged. But we also have a new metaphorical tree on our minds lately – the Boxerwood vision tree which helps depict our thriving programs.