A Tribute to Michael Yoemans (1949-2021)

Mike was wisdom.

He knew when to dig into details and when to strive for simplicity;
When to drive change and when to hold the boat steady;
When to listen and when to lead.

Mike was strength.

Like the Boxerwood Great Oak, he was deeply rooted -
In faith, experience, integrity;
Able to find the calm eye in a storm.

Mike was generosity.

Serving, ever serving, in a million different ways,
From country to community, he filled his days
With giving of himself; just a phone call away.

Mike rose to each occasion.

He could be fierce like a lion or gentle like a lamb;
Tenacious for what mattered;
Tender with humor for those who were hurting.

Mike believed -

In having big visions, big hopes, big dreams
To make the world a better place –
Leaving a legacy of courage and optimism
For our children and our planet.