March NEWSLEAF: Endings and Beginnings


Dear Friends,

“It’s true that we’re losing time every day, all the time, until one day it’s all gone. But you’re gaining it too. Every second. Perfect moments, one after the other, until, by the end, you have your whole life.” (from the film, The Map of Tiny Perfect Things)

Today is spring equinox. This year particularly we’re reminded of both endings and beginnings, of loss and gain. As winter gives way to spring, we mourn with all those whose lives the pandemic has upended. We mourn the deaths, those in sync with nature’s way, and those less so. And we also mark the little losses, the ways of being we have set aside for greater good.

Amidst it all, springs swells with promise. At Boxerwood the cardinals are singing. The hellebores are blooming. The children are racing about, playing tag. The endings bring beginnings.

We here at Boxerwood have been thinking a lot about these transitions. Sadly, as a new season arrives, we carry the loss of our good friend and leader, Mike Yoemans. Mike was serving as BEA board president at the time of his unexpected passing last month. If you knew Mike, you knew he embodied life’s fullness in who he was and what he did. He himself was inspiration.

This month’s Newsleaf is all about completions and new starts. There’s a tribute for Mike, plus updates about what we’re letting go at Boxerwood --and what’s arising. Most fittingly, we also welcome from BEA founder, Hunter Mohring, a reflection on The Meadow, a place that particularly understands beginnings, endings, and the whole cycle of it all.

May all of it be good bread for your journey.

In the spirit of Spring,
The Boxerwood Team

By Boxerwood Education Association

We are a charitable non-profit organization, with a mission to educate and inspire people of all ages to become environmentally responsible stewards of the Earth.