Boxerwood is happy to share our mulch.  We offer shredded leaf mulch, and we occasionally have wood chips available as well.  The leaf mulch supply typically lasts through mid-June.

If you would like our gardeners to load mulch with the tractor, we ask for a $30 per pickup-size load. Please email us ahead of time to schedule:

You're also welcome to load yourself. We suggest a $10 donation per pickup load to help maintain our Woodland Garden.

Caution: Invasive Asian Jumping Worms

This relatively new invasive species is spreading rapidly in the US, and it has the capacity to dramatically change soil chemistry in ways that are harmful to tree and plant growth.  Staff and volunteers have not found evidence of Asian jumping worms at Boxerwood, but no mulch source is guaranteed to be pest-free.  

Boxerwood mulch may contain Asian jumping worms or their eggs.

Asian jumping worms are an annual species that dies after the first frost.  However, their cocoons survive the winter and hatch in March.  The cocoons travel readily in mulch or in the soil of potted plants, and this species is known to expand its population extremely quickly once it is introduced.

The cocoons of Asian jumping worms cannot survive temperatures above 104°F

To prevent the spread of this species, there are two DIY processes to achieve these high temperatures: 1) create compost piles that reach high heat, and check with a soil thermometer, or 2) solarize mulch (or soil) by placing a clear plastic tarp over the area for several weeks.