From the Executive Director

I spied a squirrel burying an acorn during my morning walk yesterday. The way its delicate paws patted soil on top of the buried treasure was enchanting. It seemed an almost tender, hopeful gesture. A gesture that feels familiar to us here at Boxerwood.

The 100 Smiles Challenge

Not everyone shops via Amazon, but many of us do–so why not have each purchase also support Boxerwood’s environmental mission? The Amazon Smiles program allocates a percent of every purchase you make directly to Boxerwood.

Partner in the Picture: Woods Creek Montessori

This year, the pandemic lifted our interconnections to a whole new level. New health rules prevented WCM from mixing elementary aged children with younger students in afterschool day care. Where could those fourteen older kids go? Rather than canceling this much-needed program, WCM inquired whether it might operate the program at Boxerwood instead.

Garden Art: Stealthy Reflections

People often ask, “Are you the guy who makes the art?” Suppose I am. Scattered around Boxerwood and other places are mostly wood art projects usually made from found, salvaged, scrap, gifted materials. I started making abstract art projects years ago with materials gathered while working with a small construction crew.