Encore Blog: Farewell, Team!

Thank you to those who participated in Sunday’s SLOP TALK meet-up for youth compost leaders! 79% of our participating households include children, and we’ve heard from many of you that these kids are often the ones taking the lead on family composting initiatives.

Week #10: Our Impact

Ten whole weeks of collecting and weighing scraps, reporting data, filling up compost bins, and helping keep food out of the Rockbridge landfill.

Week #9: A Heap of Composting

A grant from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has enabled Boxerwood to install and maintain two large-volume, high-rate Earth Cube composters at Natural Bridge Elementary School (NBES).

Week #8: Stories from Compost Land

Thank you to those who participated in Sunday’s SLOP TALK meet-up for youth compost leaders! 79% of our participating households include children, and we’ve heard from many of you that these kids are often the ones taking the lead on family composting initiatives.

Week #7: Your Compost Cafe

What’s the key to having fun and success with your composting? Keeping those kitchen chefs happy — and we don’t mean the ones in your house. There’s a lot of life happening in your Earth Machine. This week we’re sharing words of wisdom from local compost guru and guest blogger, Phyllis Fevrier.

Week #5: What’s the Scoop

We’ve reached the halfway point! To commemorate this momentous occasion I reached out to some of the households with the greatest and least amount of total diverted food scraps. How do factors like household size or dietary preference influence the amount of scraps headed to the compost each week? Well, here’s the inside scoop!

Week #3: Why Compost?

we are completing Week #3 of the Backyard Compost Challenge and going strong. We run the gamut from 0 lbs to nearly 30 lbs of food waste per household diverted each week.

Week #2: Who We Are

Congratulations for successfully completing Week #1 of the Backyard Compost Challenge! We’ve received data from everyone and things are off to a great start. Have a look at our collective Week #1 totals