Letter from the Education Director


November 2021

Dear Friends,

It’s that time of the year: we’re raking and raking and making giant leap piles. Watching children leap and squeal is exhilarating, and an apt image for the spirit of our recent programmatic work. 

This fall, Boxerwood had the resources to go all-out for kids. Nearing the end of our season, our “leaf pile” is super high: 147 environmental education programs since September. Half of these programs took place outside during the school day.  The other half took place after school and on weekends, enriching the lives of hundreds of  children and their families.

As Thanksgiving arrives, we’re grateful for the support and partnerships that enable us to share the joy, happiness, and value of outdoor learning. In the last three months alone, our programs have connected  more than 1,400 individual learners to the natural world.

In honor of all good things even amidst tough times, this issue of the Newsleaf celebrates Bounty. May sharing our stories bring bounty to your own heart this season and those to come.

On behalf of the Boxerwood team, with gratitude,

Elise Sheffield
Education Director

By Elise Sheffield, Boxerwood Education Director

Director of Education