We Took the Ton-for-Ton Challenge


Boxerwood’s innovative carbon offset marketplace is up and running. We asked several “early adopters” what motivated them to secure offsets with COREworks, considering the concept is new to many. Natural Bridge residents Wendelin Wagner and Tsony Devroux turned to COREworks to tackle travel dilemmas. An environmental science educator and Buddhist retreat teacher respectively, the couple found inspiration COREworks’ unique model. As Wendelin puts it,

“Do I hope that the carbon credits I buy when I fly in the friendly skies will help preserve tropical forest land? You bet!  Paying a little extra for my airline ticket is one of the ways I can reduce my carbon footprint, but I don’t really know how my money is spent and there are pros and cons to corporate carbon crediting schemes. So when we read about the Boxerwood COREworks initiative, my husband and I jumped at the opportunity to know that our contributions would go to carbon sequestering projects that would be visible and beneficial right here in our home county. 

Even more wonderful is the regenerative economic aspect of the COREworks approach, since it takes its model from the patterns that build stable and robust systems in nature.  Using the growth imperative as an economic strategy is a method that will fail as resources diminish and waste products stack up. Regenerative principles can provide a path to sustainable solvency through a balance of factors such as efficiency and resilience, collaboration and competition, and a healthy equilibrium between the motive of profit and the motives of social and ecological benefit.  

Amazingly, COREworks reinvests 100% of the marketplace donations right back into the pool for launching the next valuable project in our community. Now that’s motivating!” 

You can learn more about the COREworks model HERE.

By Boxerwood Education Association

We are a charitable non-profit organization, with a mission to educate and inspire people of all ages to become environmentally responsible stewards of the Earth.