Have a Brew for Boxerwood

An enthusiastic time was had by all at Great Valley Farm Brewery for the first of several events celebrating Boxerwood’s 20th Anniversary

A few highlights from the afternoon include Boxerwood board members Jessica Buhler and Matt Crance entertaining kids, great tunes by Honest Labor, and a fun (slightly competitive) raffle of our new sustainability theme kits packaged in our new Think Outside the Plastic tote bags.

Our esteemed raffle winner was Boxerwood board memer Jim Kvach! Thank you, Jim, for all you do for Boxerwood, and thank you all for coming out for this fun Sunday afternoon. Great Valley Farm Brewery donated 20% of beer sales for the day, which, added to the raffle, raised $850.00 for the Boxerwood Education Association!

By Boxerwood Education Association

We are a charitable non-profit organization, with a mission to educate and inspire people of all ages to become environmentally responsible stewards of the Earth.

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