Spectacle 2023


Spectacle 2023: A Wild Notion

Sponsored in part by a grant from the Va Commission for the Arts, Spectacle 2023: A Wild Notion was the third in Boxerwood's occasional series of giant puppet spectaculars. This bigger-than-life event called us to fuller living through a celebration of homegrown art, dance, drama, and music. Many months in the making with contributions from children and adults throughout Rockbridge County, the Spectacle depicted the adventures of three youths whose magical rediscovery of the Wild brought them renewed vitality, vision — and community. Performed in October 2023, A Wild Notion was a healing balm for our time, summoning us all to dream big, tap strength, and rise. Its energizing call to action was not only for ourselves but for the wondrous Earth itself, our treasured home. Enjoy the artifacts on this page from the once in a lifetime experience. 

Performance photography by Wendy Redfern. All rights reserved.