Birding at Boxerwood

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Photos courtesy of bird walk participant, Baron Schwartz.

Seventeen birders ages 11 to 93 spent the past Saturday morning meandering through Boxerwood's woods and fields. Together they spotted around 30 bird species including Red-tailed Hawks, four kinds of woodpeckers, and more robins than they could count. The outing was the first in a new series of monthly walks led by members of the Rockbridge Bird Club on second Saturdays.

The next opportunity to go Birding at Boxerwood is Saturday, December 10. For more information, visit or find them on Facebook.

November 12 sightings:

  1. November 12 Checklist
  2. Canada Goose  1
  3. Black Vulture  5
  4. Turkey Vulture  12
  5. Red-tailed Hawk  2
  6. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  3
  7. Red-bellied Woodpecker  3
  8. Downy Woodpecker  1
  9. Pileated Woodpecker  1
  10. Northern Flicker  2
  11. Blue Jay  6
  12. American Crow  4
  13. Fish Crow  2
  14. Common Raven  1
  15. Carolina Chickadee  2
  16. Tufted Titmouse  2
  17. Red-breasted Nuthatch  3
  18. White-breasted Nuthatch  4
  19. Carolina Wren  5
  20. Northern Mockingbird  3
  21. Eastern Bluebird  2
  22. Hermit Thrush  4
  23. American Robin  100  (conservative estimate)
  24. House Finch  4
  25. American Goldfinch  10
  26. Field Sparrow  2
  27. Dark-eyed Junco  1
  28. White-throated Sparrow  25
  29. Song Sparrow  4
  30. Eastern Towhee  1
  31. Common Grackle  15
  32. Northern Cardinal  6

By Boxerwood Education Association

We are a charitable non-profit organization, with a mission to educate and inspire people of all ages to become environmentally responsible stewards of the Earth.